Senin, 01 April 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama  : Reza Rezkiansyah
NPM  : 25210816
Kelas  : 3EB03

   2.      Some people say that computer have made live easier and convienent,other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressfull.   

Answer :
If say computer can make life someone become to most easy so I very agree,because with computer all become most easy begin at searcing information,help me for working my task,communicated with someone in the different country or region.

 In the searching information,computer very helped we life in searchings all information,because all information we don’t know  be able searcings internet.internet helped we for working all task, because we not must go to book store or library to searching information for my task.but now student can data acces by means of internet in the house.

           Beside that computer can be economized time and money,for example when we have brother far from our region so we can use computer for communicated,and we can use skype for communicated by face to face so we can save money and time for communicated without  must darken door if only chat.

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